Matt Masock


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 West Jordan, Utah

Currently working as detective in the Collision Analysis and Reconstruction unit of Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake in that position he manages the manpower of a multi-agency agreement which investigates major collisions involving serious bodily injury and death. He has been investigating major collisions for over fourteen years. In that capacity he has investigated or aided in the investigation of hundreds of auto v. auto, auto v. motorcycle and auto v. pedestrian collisions. In addition to an Associate Degree in Applied Engineering, he is an ACTAR (Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction) accredited expert in the field of Collision Reconstruction. His training includes Light Timing Analysis, Crush Analysis, CDR Technician and Examiner pertaining to data retrieved using the Bosch Crash Data Retrieval software (airbag control module and electronic data recorder), Berla iVe vehicle system forensics technician and system forensic examiner, FARO 3D laser scanner certified trainer in use of and processing data collected using a FARO 3D laser scanner, trained in human factors regarding driver perception and response times, motorcycle collision reconstruction, auto/pedestrian reconstruction, heavy vehicle reconstruction, occupant kinematics and has completed Northwestern University TAR 1, 2 and 3.